Dear KAYAC sponsors
Dear KAYAC sponsors,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Korean-American Youth Assistance Coalition (KAYAC), a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering and supporting Korean-American youth. We are reaching out to you in the hope of securing your sponsorship for our upcoming programs and events.
As you may know, Korean-American youth often face unique challenges as they navigate their identity and place in American society. KAYAC seeks to address these challenges by providing resources, education, and a community for Korean-American youth to connect with and support one another.
Through our programs and events, especially the Motherland Excursion, we aim to promote Korean-American cultures, encourage leadership and personal growth, and provide opportunities for community service and civic engagement. We believe that by investing in our youth, we are investing in the future of our community, our country, and the global community.
As a sponsor, you will have a prominent presence at our events, with the opportunity to showcase your support for Korean-American youth and promote you and your brand to a diverse and engaged audience. We offer a range of sponsorship levels and benefits, including recognition in our promotional materials, social media posts, and website, as well as exclusive networking opportunities.
If you would like to support us, please send the following information to the KAYAC Office email ( by 2/28/2023:
- Parents’ names (in Korean and English), student’s name (in Korean and English)
- Email, phone number, and address
- Amount of donation
- If you donate $100 or more, please write an advertisement message (see attached example) for the forum program brochure. If you do not wish to advertise, please indicate that you do not wish to do so.
- Please make a check payable to “KAYAC” and send it to the KAYAC Office (address: 190 Sylvan Ave. Suite D3, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632).
- The KAYAC is a non-profit organization registered in the United States, so donations are tax-deductible, and donation certificates will be sent out early next year.
We understand that you may have some questions about our organization and the sponsorship opportunities we offer, and we would be happy to provide you with more information. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss sponsorship options in more detail.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to support the Korean-American community and invest in the future of our youth. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
M. Alexandre Cho
Korean-American Youth Assistance Coalition