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President Greetings

Mr. Sang Lee

Welcome to the Korean American Youth Assistance Coalition (KAYAC)!

We are an organization dedicated to assisting Korean American youths connect with their heritage.

For 25 years, KAYAC has been serving the Korean American Community to help instill in our youths a deep sense of identity and pride in our culture.

Our annual Motherland Excursion Program allows high school students opportunities to experience the rich Korean history, world-leading technology, and ever expanding world of pop culture. Students also develop deep relationships with each other, as well as with mentors and leaders in Korea.

We hope that our youths embrace their roots and share the richness of Korean traditions. Our mission is to develop global leaders that use their pride in Korean identity as a springboard, further raising the stature of the Korean American community as well as our motherland.

Please join us.

Thank you.

Sang Lee